📗Perpetual Contract User Agreement

The perpetual contract offering available on the HKD.com website, iOS app, and android app, is provided by HKD.com Limited ("HKD.com"), an International Business Company incorporated in the Republic of Seychelles, and of company number 235204. The perpetual contract offering is a service HKD.com provides. By engaging HKD.com's perpetual contract offering, you agree and accept that HKD.com strictly prohibits unfair trading practices. HKD.com reserves the right to exercise control over your account or shut down your account if you perform the following actions:

  • Price manipulation or any other malicious market behaviors;

  • Harming other Users or HKD.com using the loopholes of the Service or other unreasonable means;

  • Participation in any activities that HKD.com regards as harmful to the market;

  • Violation of law and regulations.

In order to eliminate any adverse effects on the overall market, HKD.com reserves the right to take the following measures at its sole discretion, including but not limited to the closing down of your account, restricting or canceling your commands. You understand and agree that HKD.com shall not be liable for any losses (including but not limited to any direct or indirect losses, actual losses or losses of possible profits) incurred by you in connection with the above measures.

Last updated